Mindfulness Meditation is, paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally (Kabat-Zinn 1990)
Mindfulness Meditation has been practised for centuries in the East. The benefits of this practice have now been recognised by the West, and, in particular, in certain medical settings for those with a chronic illness.
The two programmes, Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) (devised by Jon Kabat-Zinn 1979) and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) (devised by Segal, Williams and Teasdale 2002) have demonstrated for many years, after rigorous evaluation, that the ongoing practice, using Mindfulness Meditation as an anchor to MBSR and MBCT, can be effective in the management of depression, anxiety, panic disorders, and, disordered eating.
Robyn has been trained and intensely supervised in the programmes by Bob Sharples, Clinical Psychologist, who, in conjunction with Professor Graeme Meadows, Monash Medical Centre, manualised the MBSR and MBCT programme for Australian participants.
Robyn has workshopped with Dr Mark A Lau, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, and researcher with Segal, Williams and Teasdale on the MBCT programme.
The mindfulness-based programme that Robyn has taught since 2008 has helped participants to manage everyday stressors as well as anxiety and depression.
Anxiety and depression are frequently a part of the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Coeliac Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Fructose Malabsorption and Lactose Intolerance.
The programme may also assist those who have chronic medical conditions and those who have experienced grief and trauma.
Robyn facilitates small groups during the day and evening. Small groups allow for plenty of time for comments and individual questions on the direct experience of the practice.
The programme runs for eight weeks for one and half hours per week. Handouts, DVDs and home practice complete a manual for participants to use in revision once the course has finished. At the end of eight weeks participants of the programme are invited to attend a fortnightly group facilitated by Robyn, to continue their practice.
What does this Mindfulness-based programme offer?
Developing the skills and knowledge, by direct experience and practise, to cultivate attitudes of:
- Patience
- Compassion for oneself
- Open-mindedness
- Gentle persistence
- Being in a different relationship with one's thoughts and feelings
Participants were asked to score out of ten how important the program has been to them:
10/10 This course has been a great help to me
9/10 It has decreased the anxiety and distress I have been experiencing because of my ongoing health problems
9/10 Little by little I have seen how the "tools" can be incorporated into daily living with this hyper sensitivity to my physical situation
10/10 Thank you for a life changing education on this wonderful practice
9/10 Pain is certainly more manageable when you have the tools to deal with them - THANK YOU
3/10 I don't know that I yet know. It is hard to know how to evaluate the course. I am torn between a continuing, nagging cynicism and discomfort and a feeling that despite these doubts, something very profound can happen through this practice. To you, I have found most professional and abounding in patience and caring.
10/10 I have always felt very out of control in trying to change my thoughts and feelings but now I understand acceptance and compassion - qualities important as part of my personal learning.